Support Us
H.O.P.E needs your support to be able to keep providing our services as cheap as possible for our families.
Every year we work hard to raise enough money to cover our overheads and project expenses, to be able to give our patrons the best experience possible.
By becoming a Building Hope Hero you are giving us the steady monthly donations which provide us an invaluable sense of stability and help us to plan bigger projects.
Building Hope Hero
Any amount helps, even a small amount makes a huge difference. For just £5 a month you could support us to keep our doors open - that’s only the price of a coffee.
Don’t forget, if you are a UK taxpayer we can claim Gift Aid on your donation as well. This scheme allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated!
Join our BUILDING HOPE donation scheme for £5 per month and help us support more families.

Regular Donation
Help out our Charity by giving us a regular monthly donation of £5. This will allow the charity to continue to operate within the community and to provide families with fun educational activities, allowing them to improve their lives and the lives of those that depend on them.
Its easy to set up - simply click on the donate button below and select 'make this a monthly donation'.
One-off Donation
We appreciate any and all donations - this could be an item, financial, use of your time or services.
For financial donations, this can be done through bank transfer to the following details:
Account Name: Helping Others Positively Engaged in Community
Sort Code: 30-90-89
Account Number: 57769560
Sending a cheque payable to
Helping Others Positively Engaged in Community
to the address:
H.O.P.E in Community, St George's Church, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK, S70 1BD
Donation to a volunteer at one of our in-person events,
Or by clicking our one off donation button and giving through PayPal:
Easy Fundraising
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for H.O.P.E in Community with easyfundraising?
There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
Go to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/hopeincommunity/?utm_campaign=raise-more and join for free.
Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to H.O.P.E in Community at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations.
Hold a Fundraising event
We can support you to plan and deliver your own fundraising event.
Some ideas that may be of interest to you are:
Sponsored bike rides
Sponsored walks
Sponsored silences
Sponsored swims
Coffee mornings
Table top sales
Making your own items to sell
Any other amazing idea you can think of!
Our new Fundraising Pack will be available to download soon!
Donate a Raffle or Tombola Prize
We do many tombolas and raffles throughout the year and always require prizes to help us raise much needed funds.
Spread Awareness
This is completely FREE to do but will help us out greatly! If you tell people you know about us and what we do you will enable us to support more families. You could do this simply by sharing our social media posts, tagging our page in a post if you have used our service, or leaving a review on our Facebook page.
Grants, Trust and Foundations
85% of our income comes from grants, trust and foundations. Please let us know any feedback if you have used our services so we can report back to our funders.
We would like to thank all our funders who believe in our work and who continue to support us to do the work we do.
Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving is a way of giving money to a charity without paying tax on it. It must be paid through PAYE from someones wages or pension.
This could be Cash for clothes, Cash for old Electronic Devices such as phone, laptops, computers. Cash for Cartridges, Metals, DVD’S, CD’S AND Games.
There are many ways you can recycle for cash - some ideas are above but there are many things you can recycle.
In your Will
More information coming on this soon
By leaving a gift in your will you can help us to continue to support more families in the future.
Corporate Partnerships
If you are a company looking to form a partnership with us, please visit our Corporate Partnerships page.